December 24, 2003

Merry Christmas: For Doubters

I've decided that it's not Christmas that's to blame, but the scam about Christmas. Just look around and note the reality (absent the scam) and it's basically an excuse to legitimate love and acceptance. There's a kind of underground subversive wisdom that says anything that's cooperative, but not Marxist, is subversive. It's a kind of hateful and superficial cynicism,
that simply evaporates if you ignore it. Phony as a 2 dollar bill, as they used to say.

I just had a nice romp by the creek with a couple of local kids, where we discussed sneaky ways to get across the high water. They were pulling the same scam I used to pull on adults when I was their age. Act innocent, but devise a plan of "escape" to the kid's world of rampant fantasy and adventure. The youngest one was barely intellibible to humans, but with an ancient air of inscrutibility and wisdom. The older one will probably grow up to be a lawyer, or a football coach.

I was high on tryptophan and recollection, of course.

Posted by Demosophist at December 24, 2003 04:34 PM | TrackBack