January 26, 2004

Predicting the Nominee

It's unfashionable to handicap at this point, and there's a line forming behind Kerry, but the problem is that it just hasn't dawned on people that the Bush team has a strategy, and a case, already mapped out to beat the socks off Kerry should he be nominated. And the only person that really inspires any respect at all in their campaign echelon, is Edwards. And he is the only nominatable candidate who is, currently, more or less unscathed by the Copperhead bite. I suppose it's an open question as to whether the primary voters are going to recognize this, and Edward's campaign resources are a bit thin, but as Andrew points out, and as Josh Marshall demonstrates, the press is in love.

Finally, were it not enough that he's charismatic and snake-bite immune--who else? Lieberman's poll numbers are rising, even though it's doubtful he'd have a chance at the nomination. Should be pull out, where would his voters go? The Democrats are desperately trying to find someone who's both nominatable and electable. Suggestion to the Edwards Campaign for a subliminal theme: "I'm the new, slightly improved, Billary."

Posted by Demosophist at January 26, 2004 12:09 PM | TrackBack