August 11, 2004

John Kerry's Lucky Hat

OK, it's apparently not "news" that the man running for the most powerful office on the planet made up an obvious and instrumental lie about his military service, apparently developed amnesia about the lie and told the truth for awhile (without acknowledging there was an earlier "version of the truth"), and then in the heat of a Presidential campaign seems to have developed amnesia about the truth, and opted for the instrumental lie again. Not news. He just makes stuff up. Anyone have a problem with that? No Sir. Not me. Uh-uh. No way. But apparently Lileks does.

It has to do with Christmas in Cambodia – the only aspect of the SwiftVets story I care to comment on, for reasons I think I stated before. If Kerry’s story is a lie, it’s significant, but not because we have a gotcha moment – gee, a politician reworked the truth to his advantage, big surprise. This is much larger than that. This is like Bush insisting that he flew an intercept mission with the Texas Air National Guard to repel Soviet bombers based in Cuba, and later stating that this event was “seared in his memory – seared” because it taught him the necessity of standing up against evil governments, such as the ones we face today. In other words, it would not only be a lie, but one that eroded the political persona he was relying upon in the election....

If the secret illegal mission was the origin of the Lucky Hat, it’s a new revelation.

Maybe this is just the hat "big media" needs to hang their hook on?

Posted by Demosophist at August 11, 2004 11:20 AM | TrackBack