I live just south of Washington, DC, and there are tornados swarming all over the place like roaches. What a nuisance! Every few minutes there's a warning alarm and I head to the basement to sit for a quarter of an hour or so. This is but a pale reflection of what the folks in Florida, 'Bama, and Louisiana have been putting up with. I HATE tornados!
Posted by Demosophist at September 17, 2004 06:39 PM | TrackBackI notice you made a contribution to this discussion
I have been trying to exercise my democratic right of free speech but the blogette, Jane, seems not to accept my views (she has blocked messges from my computer's address). This is redolent of Soviet Russia and Pravda. Please would you post my views, as you won't be censored out by the Republican Guard.
There is nothing offensive or barbaric in what I have to say, so please post this following messege -
Look at Weimar Germany. The Reichstag Fire was used as an excuse to demolish the constitution and democracy, thus leaving the field clear for the National-Socialist Party. Germans were saddled with a government they didn't vote for, neither could they get rid of it. In fact, anyone who objected was quickly dealt with. You either followed your orders or else.
I mean, no one could ever envisage the pinnacle of humanity, the USA, being subjected to such abuse by the executive. The President could be impeached for attacking the constitution, which on oath, in public, before the People, he swore to protect. Regardless of an act of terrorism, such as the Reichstag suffered, or say, the Twin Towers, I can't imagine the US executive being able to pass something as democratically backward as the senile- Hindenburg - git-Hitler Enabling Law. I have my doubts though about these Fatherland Security and Patriot Acts (very redolent of Orwellian langauage).
There were balloons going up over Washington DC, a wee while back, regarding a possible terrorist atrocity in the US itself (God forbid ! my tongue is out of my cheek here my friends) round about the time just before voting time. I don't think this went down well. People were voicing their concerns in public, about a possible military coup d'etat, and the scheme was quickly shelved. Sorry, did I just say that, I meant, these fears were quickly shelved, thus remaining in limbo.
Yours Joe 90
PS is the Demosophist a psychiatrist, ethnologist or just a stupid boring racist ?
Posted by: joe 90 at September 17, 2004 10:00 PMPS is the Demosophist a psychiatrist, ethnologist or just a stupid boring racist ?
There's no end of reasons to dismiss direct comparisons between the US and the Third Reich, let alone the moonbat theories that 9-11 was a subterfuge for a totalist takeover of the US. But I'm not going to express them because I'm just gobsmacked by the fact that you'd ask me for help, and in the same post immediately call me a racist. Are you adipated?
Don't answer, I've blocked you here too. (Actually, I've reinstated you, to give you the opportunity to apologize. What can I say? Everybody deserves a second chance.) For future reference: if you're routinely likening the folks you're supposedly "dialoguing with" to racists and Nazis it probably counts as both offensive and barbaric.
Why don't you just head over to DU. I'm sure you'd find more fertile ground for your ideas there.
Posted by: Demosophist at September 18, 2004 01:01 PM