September 21, 2004

The Anti-War Left's Fantasy

Some profound thoughts from Peter Cuthbertson at The Edge of England's Sword. A sample:

The world as it now is necessitates foreign and domestic policy trade-offs - mostly involving killing people - that the Left flinches instinctively not only from making, but from recognising. The rational Left does not literally blame Bush himself for the terrorist attacks on New York, Washington DC, Bali, Madrid and now Beslan, but they have allowed George W. Bush to become in their minds the personification of the post-9/11 era. In that respect, all the large-scale violence that has occurred since January 2001 - terrorism and counter-terrorist wars alike - is to be blamed on his actions because he makes the world what it now is. This horror at the present and this false personification, more than anything particularly that he has done, explains so much of the grossly disproportionate bile directed at President Bush.
Posted by Demosophist at September 21, 2004 12:26 AM | TrackBack

What's up with the non-format? Going minimalist? Not necessarily a bad thing.

Posted by: jdwill at September 22, 2004 08:39 PM