July 26, 2005

Award: Most Accurate Encapsulated Description of the War in Iraq

To The Michael Yon [Not Wretchard. Sheesh one would think you guys would've saved me some embarrassment by cluing me in to the mistake. At least I had the link right.]

The enemy in Iraq does not appear to be weakening; if anything, they are becoming smarter, more complicated and deadlier. But this does not mean they are winning; to imply that getting smarter and deadlier equates to winning, is fallacious. Most accounts of the situation in Iraq focus on enemy "successes" (if success is re-defined as annihiliation of civility), while redacting the increasing viability and strength of the Iraqi government, which clearly is outpacing the insurgency.

(Cross-posted by Demosophist to The Jawa Report)

Posted by Demosophist at July 26, 2005 11:19 PM | TrackBack