November 02, 2005

Wearing Blinders in the Fast Lane

Yeah, that's just what the Democratic Party needed: an isomorphic (one to one) correspondence between the party and the nightmarish conspiracy theories of the Chomsky/Moveon Left about how Bushitlerburton conspired to lead us into war for the sake of all this deucedly cheap oil we're getting. This, while managing to completely ignore the cynical trading of oil for food by some of the most prominent members of the "international establishment," that not only kept Iraqis starving and oppressed, but gave Saddam access to the Sears Build-Your-Own-WMD-Arsenal catalogue, should he like... ever get the itch. (Which we know he wouldn't because Joe Wilson says so... most of the time.)

Now just how is a reasonable person supposed to be unoffended by this obvious, and foolishly self-destructive, clamor for attention? On one side you've got the nomination of a brilliant and qualified conservative to the Supreme Court (who Michael Barone thinks won't be seriously opposed), the launch of a campaign to make ready for the next Influenza Pandemic (a move that Moveon criticized Bush for not having made earlier), a UN investigation of Syrian thuggery exposing a political assassination in Lebanon, and findings that will lead to indictments against prominent members of the "peace movement" who got rich acting as Saddamite conduits. On the other side the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight claims that these are all distractions, and that even though nearly everyone on the planet was certain Saddam was seeking WMD the whole thing was somehow a clever deception arranged by the Bush Administration. Yeah, that's a winner. Keep it up. We really need to vote you guys back into office.

Never saw that one coming...

(Cross-posted by Demosophist to The Jawa Report)

Posted by Demosophist at November 2, 2005 11:26 AM | TrackBack

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