December 30, 2005

Nose Drama: Part of God's Plan?

I snore pretty loudly, or so others tell me. I've never heard it, myself. However sometimes, just as I'm falling asleep my nasal passages emit sounds like a poorly tuned reed instrument leaving me the impression, in my half-dream stupor, that there's a crowd cheering close by, or that some poor soul next door is screaming his bloody head off in agony. I usually awake with a start. I think the muscles that generally hold those passages open, relax just enough to turn the whole nasal chamber into a sound synthesizer that hits my half-conscious mind with windy reverberations it interprets as shrieks, howls and shouts. Once I even heard elephants charging and several times Mary Baker Eddy yelled at me to turn off the damn TV, which I often leave on because the sound is off anyway.

How do I know it's Mrs. Eddy? Well, she has a voice a like Louis Farrakhan's. It's the result of being dead for nearly a century coupled with the self imposed moral burden of having stolen many of her spiritual notions from the Freemasons, without attribution. So, she thinks it's her job to keep me on the narrow regarding my exploitation of major electrical appliances. Or it could just be my deep-seated religious guilt, a legacy of childhood.

Come to think of it I don't recall ever hearing this nasal racket before I turned 50, so it could be something God designed into us for its entertainment value, just to break up the monotony as things get really tedious in the autumn of life. Well, that's my theory. It could also be adenoids, I guess.

(Cross-posted to The Jawa Report)

Posted by Demosophist at December 30, 2005 04:08 PM | TrackBack

Thank God, I finally figured out how to sign in.

I've been wanting to say that the Mary Baker/Farrakhan thingy is a hoot. She was supposedly part of the Rev Fox's New Thought movement but decided to create her own money-making cult.

Posted by: PatC at January 3, 2006 06:43 PM

Oh - PS I started using nose strips to stop my snoring a few months ago. They work great.

Posted by: PatC at January 3, 2006 06:45 PM

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Posted by: greedy table becomes red gnome in final at May 27, 2006 04:44 PM