January 28, 2006

After Plowing

I've been shirking a bit in the culture wars, mostly because I'm in the midst of a career shift and engaged in an almost constant round of job interviews. Ugh! It's tough, but as James Buchanan used to say, just about anything is "better than plowing," albeit not necessarily by much. Traipsing in from the field with my wheat-farmer Dad after a day of weeding, seeding or plowing--so caked in dust and fine dirt that it would have been a horrifying hallowe'en disguise, made the feeling of showering and heading to dinner clean as a newborn all the more glorious. So, the main thing I appreciated about plowing was the transition to afterplowing. And that's sort of the way I feel about looking for a new job. It's the aftershower that I look forward to, and that lets me appreciate the value of the toil.

I'll be back as soon as I get cleaned up...

(Cross-posted to The Jawa Report)

Posted by Demosophist at January 28, 2006 07:52 PM | TrackBack