August 03, 2004

Advice to Moonbats: More Drink, Etc.

I've recently been debating a fellow about Michael Moore's latest "infomentary" and I can't make much sense out of what he says. I'm fairly sure the problem isn't me, for reasons that will become obvious. So I'm considering the possibility that what he needs is a coupla beers rather than another dose of my pearly wisdom. It occurred to me that he may not be drinking enough. Apparently recent research has determined that drinking a half bottle of wine a day helps a great deal to clear your thinking, although as little as one glass a week at least helps. Guinness probably helps too, though I imagine you'd have to tip a couple of pints just to keep abreast of the wine drinkers.

By the way, strenuous exercise for about an hour a day is also supposed to help clear your head, and combining the two just has to be a "force multiplier" of some sort. Just has to be. Right? Now, if one takes some additional advice along the same lines, and listens to a few tunes while you're weaving down the bikepath on your Trek Carbon Fiber 2300 one could conceivably lurch ones way into an exponential growth curve for "manifested individual IQ." And if not, it's at least some good clean high risk fun.

(Note to fellow bloggers: Good advice, but you might want to stick with the indoor exercycle, just to preserve that intellectual edge.)

"I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me." -- Winston Churchill (Hat tip: Instapundit)

Posted by Demosophist at August 3, 2004 04:53 PM | TrackBack